Call for Session Proposals: CAK 2024 Annual Conference

CAK is excited to announce that we are accepting session proposals for the 2024 Community Action Kentucky Annual Conference. The conference is scheduled for June 11-13, 2024, at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Lexington/UK Coldstream in Lexington, KY.

We invite you to submit session proposals using this online form. All submitters will be notified of their proposal’s status, whether accepted or denied, by April 1, 2024.

Please note that all submissions will require the following:

  • Session Information: This includes the title, focus area, and other relevant details about your proposed session.
  • Session Summary: 35-word description that will appear on the conference program website and app. 
  • Session Description: A 250-word description of your session, including a summary of the topic and of the information, takeaways, benefits, or lessons that you expect attendees to gain.

We welcome presentations on any topic of interest to the Community Action Network, including but not limited to: Aging, CSBG, Case Management and Family Support, Head Start, Information Technology, Leadership, Organizational Management, Program Management, and Transportation.

LIHEAP Fall Subsidy enrollment opens November 6th at Community Action Agencies.

FRANKFORT, Ky. (October 31, 2023):  Starting November 6, Kentucky households can apply for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Fall Subsidy. Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis through December 15, 2023, or until designated funds have been expended.

LIHEAP Fall Subsidy is available through Kentucky’s Community Action Network. Individuals should apply through their local Community Action Agency office. To locate your local office, please call 800-456-3452 or visit

LIHEAP Fall Subsidy provides households with a one-time benefit, ranging from $34 to $274, depending on housing category, fuel type used for heating, and income level. Benefit can be applied towards home heating cost for electric, natural gas, propane, coal, wood, or fuel oil.

Benefits are paid directly to the household’s fuel vendor. Prior LIHEAP assistance does not impact a household’s eligibility. Households must meet eligibility requirements, including income eligibility of up to and including 150% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.

Community Action Kentucky administers LIHEAP in partnership with the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services who receive the funding as a pass-through block grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. For more information about LIHEAP, including contact information for all local Community Action agencies, please visit the Community Action Kentucky website at  


About Community Action Kentucky 

Community Action Kentucky is the statewide association representing and assisting the 23 Community Action agencies across Kentucky that work to empower individuals and families to attain greater economic stability and long-term success. With a presence in all 120 Kentucky counties, Community Action agencies provide life-changing resources and programs to support a wide array of service areas, including food security, transportation, home energy, early childhood education, senior support, emergency services, housing assistance, workforce development, youth enrichment and more. As a statewide voice for local agencies, Community Action Kentucky works to address policy issues that impact low-income individuals and cultivates broad-reaching partnerships that improve the lives of thousands of Kentuckians, making it possible for them to achieve their goals. For more information about Community Action Kentucky, visit  

LIHEAP and LIHWAP Summer Subsidy enrollment opens July 25th at Community Action Agencies.

FRANKFORT, Ky. (July 21, 2023): The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and Low-Income Home Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) Summer Subsidy Programs will be available soon through Kentucky’s Community Action Agencies. These programs can assist households, up to and including 150 percent of the federal poverty guidelines.

Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis starting July 25, 2023, through September 22, 2023, or until designated funds have been expended. Individuals should apply through their local Community Action Agency office. To locate your local office, please call 800-456-3452 or visit

Households can apply for one or both programs, and assistance is paid directly to the household’s vendor. Prior LIHEAP or LIHWAP program assistance does not impact a household’s eligibility. Households must meet eligibility requirements, including income guidelines.

LIHEAP Summer Subsidy provides households with a one-time electric benefit ranging from $50 to $250, depending on income and housing category.

LIHWAP Summer Subsidy provides households with a one-time water service benefit, water and/or wastewater, ranging from $50 to $100, depending on housing category.

Community Action Kentucky administers LIHEAP and LIHWAP in partnership with the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services who receive the funding as a pass-through block grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. For more information about LIWHAP and LIHEAP, including contact information for all local Community Action agencies, please visit the Community Action Kentucky website at


About Community Action Kentucky

LIHEAP Spring Subsidy Cooling offering Kentuckians assistance with electric cost.

FRANKFORT, Ky. (April 17, 2023): Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Spring Subsidy Cooling Component applications will be accepted on a first come, first-serve basis through June 2, 2023, or until designated funds are depleted. Households, up to 130 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, can receive a one-time benefit to offset their home electric cost.

The Spring Subsidy Cooling Component provides households one-time benefit ranging from $38 to $200 depending on income levels and housing category. The benefit amount awarded is based on a household’s income and housing category. Benefits are paid directly to electric vendor.

Interested applicants are encouraged to contact their local Community Action outreach office for specific application instructions. Kentucky’s Community Action Network collectively operates outreach offices in all 120 Kentucky counties.

All applicants will be required to supply the following documentation at time of application:

  • Proof of Social Security Number or Permanent Residence card (Green Card) for each member of the household.
  • Proof of all household’s (all members) income from the preceding month.
  • Most current electric bill, statement from your landlord if electric is included in your rent, statement from utility company if you participate in a Pre-Pay Electric Program.
  • The account number and name on the account for main heating fuel sources and electric bill.

Community Action Kentucky administers LIHEAP in partnership with the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services who receive the funding as a pass-through block grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. More information about LIHEAP and a listing of LIHEAP outreach offices can be found at the Community Action Kentucky website at


About Community Action Kentucky

Community Action Kentucky is the statewide association representing and assisting all 23 Community Action agencies across Kentucky that work to empower individuals and families to attain greater economic stability and long-term success. With a presence in all 120 Kentucky counties, Community Action agencies provide life-changing resources and programs to support a wide array of service areas, including food security, transportation, home energy, early childhood education, senior support, emergency services, housing assistance, workforce development, youth enrichment and more. As a statewide voice for local agencies, Community Action Kentucky works to address policy issues that impact low-income individuals and cultivates broad-reaching partnerships that improve the lives of thousands of Kentuckians, making it possible for them to achieve their goals. For more information about Community Action Kentucky, visit

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Crisis Enrollment Opens at Kentucky Community Action Agencies

FRANKFORT, Ky. (Jan. 9, 2023): The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Crisis Component is available to assist households experiencing a home heating crisis situation. Community Action Agencies across Kentucky are accepting applications first come, first serve through March 31, 2023, or until funds have been expended.

Income eligibility requirements are up to 130 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. The applicant must be responsible for home heating costs or pay heating costs as an undesignated portion of rent. Assistance received during prior LIHEAP Components does not impact a household’s eligibility.

Crisis benefits will cover the minimum needed to alleviate the crisis not to exceed the Community Action Agency’s local cost for a deliverable supply of the household’s primary heating fuel or $400 for gas or electric. Households can reapply each time they experience a crisis situation until they reached their maximum benefit. Benefits are paid directly to the primary fuel vendor.

Kentucky’s Community Action Network collectively operates outreach offices in all 120 Kentucky counties. Applicants should apply at their local Community Action outreach office. To locate your local office, please call 800-456-3452.

All applicants will be required to supply the following documentation at the time of application:

  • Proof of Social Security Number or Permanent Residence card (Green Card) for each member of the household.
  • Proof of all household’s (all members) income from the preceding month.
  • Most current heating bill, statement from your landlord if heating expenses are included in your rent, statement from utility company if you participate in a Pre-Pay Electric Program.
  • The account number and name on the account for main heating fuel sources and electric bill.

Community Action Kentucky administers LIHEAP in partnership with the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services who receive the funding as a pass-through block grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. More information about LIHEAP and a listing of LIHEAP outreach offices can be found at the Community Action Kentucky website at


About Community Action Kentucky

Community Action Kentucky is the statewide association representing and assisting all 23 Community Action agencies across Kentucky that work to empower individuals and families to attain greater economic stability and long-term success. With a presence in all 120 Kentucky counties, Community Action agencies provide life-changing resources and programs to support a wide array of service areas, including food security, transportation, home energy, early childhood education, senior support, emergency services, housing assistance, workforce development, youth enrichment and more. As a statewide voice for local agencies, Community Action Kentucky works to address policy issues that impact low-income individuals and cultivates broad-reaching partnerships that improve the lives of thousands of Kentuckians, making it possible for them to achieve their goals. For more information about Community Action Kentucky, visit

Disaster Case Management Services Available in Response to Western Kentucky Tornado and Eastern Kentucky Flooding

FRANKFORT, Ky. (December 7, 2022): Kentuckians affected by the Western Kentucky December 2021 Tornados or Eastern Kentucky July 2022 Flooding can access Disaster Case Management (DCM) services through Community Action Agencies.

Individuals who reside in a disaster declared county and have a disaster-related hardship or need should reach out to their local Community Action Agency for assistance. Call 800-456-3452 to locate your local office.

FEMA-DR-4630-KY Western KY Tornado
Lyon Marion
Muhlenberg Ohio Taylor
FEMA-DR-4663-KY Eastern KY Flooding
Breathitt Clay
Knott Lee
Pike Whitley

Disaster Case Management is a program to address serious needs to overcome a disaster-related hardship, injury, or adverse condition. Disaster case managers work with clients to create a disaster recovery plan and provide guidance, advice, and referral to obtain a service or resource. There are no income eligibility requirements for this program.

Disaster Case Management will close 24 months after thedate of the disaster declaration. For information on the Disaster Case Management Program, contact your local Community Action outreach office or visit

Community Action Kentucky administers Disaster Case Management in partnership with the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services who receive the funding as a grant from FEMA, U.S. Department of Homeland Security. More information about Community Action Kentucky, its members and available resources can be found at the Community Action Kentucky website at


About Community Action Kentucky 

Community Action Kentucky is the statewide association representing and assisting all 23 Community Action agencies across Kentucky that work to empower individuals and families to attain greater economic stability and improved health outcomes. With a presence in all 120 Kentucky counties, Community Action agencies provide life-changing resources and programs to support a wide array of service areas, including food security, transportation, home energy, early childhood education, senior support, emergency services, housing assistance, workforce development, youth enrichment and more. As a statewide voice for local agencies, Community Action Kentucky works to address policy issues that impact low-income individuals and cultivates broad-reaching partnerships that improve the lives of thousands of Kentuckians, making it possible for them to achieve their goals. For more information about Community Action Kentucky, visit  

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Subsidy enrollment open at Community Action Agencies through December 16th 

FRANKFORT, Ky. (November 7, 2022): Kentucky Community Action Agencies are accepting applications for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Subsidy Component. Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis through December 16, 2022, or until designated funds are depleted. Assistance received during prior LIHEAP Components does not impact a household’s eligibility. 

Designed to assist qualified households with offsetting their home energy cost, the Subsidy Component benefits are awarded based on a household’s income level, housing category, and heating fuel type. Eligible heating fuel types are electric, natural gas, propane, coal, wood, and fuel oil.

Income eligibility requirements are up to 130 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Benefits are paid directly to the primary fuel vendor. 

Kentucky’s Community Action Network collectively operates outreach offices in all 120 Kentucky counties. Applicants should apply at their local Community Action outreach office. To locate your local office, please call 800-456-3452.

All applicants will be required to supply the following documentation at the time of application: 

  • Proof of Social Security Number or Permanent Residence card (Green Card) for each member of the household.  
  • Proof of all household’s (all members) income from the preceding month.  
  • Most current heating bill, statement from your landlord if heating expenses are included in your rent, statement from utility company if you participate in a Pre-Pay Electric Program.  
  • The account number and name on the account for main heating fuel sources and electric bill.  

Applicants may be eligible for assistance through other utility programs, including the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEA). To find out more about the HEA program, including participating utility providers and eligibility requirements, visit An approved LIHEAP Application is not a guarantee that a household is eligible and/or will receive benefits through HEA.

Community Action Kentucky administers LIHEAP in partnership with the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services who receive the funding as a pass-through block grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. More information about LIHEAP and a listing of LIHEAP outreach offices can be found at the Community Action Kentucky website at  


About Community Action Kentucky 

Community Action Kentucky is the statewide association representing and assisting all 23 Community Action agencies across Kentucky that work to empower individuals and families to attain greater economic stability and improved health outcomes. With a presence in all 120 Kentucky counties, Community Action agencies provide life-changing resources and programs to support a wide array of service areas, including food security, transportation, home energy, early childhood education, senior support, emergency services, housing assistance, workforce development, youth enrichment and more. As a statewide voice for local agencies, Community Action Kentucky works to address policy issues that impact low-income individuals and cultivates broad-reaching partnerships that improve the lives of thousands of Kentuckians, making it possible for them to achieve their goals. For more information about Community Action Kentucky, visit  

Community Action Agencies assisting households through LIHEAP Spring Subsidy Cooling Component

FRANKFORT, Ky. (May 3, 2022): Kentucky Community Action Agencies are accepting applications for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Spring Subsidy Cooling Component. Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis through June 17, 2022, or until designated funds are depleted.

This year’s Spring Subsidy will help Kentuckians stay cool as the temperatures rise. Households, up to 150 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, can receive a one-time benefit to offset their home electric cost. The benefit amount awarded is based on a household’s income and housing category. Benefits are paid directly to electric vendor.

Kentucky’s Community Action Network collectively operates outreach offices in all 120 Kentucky counties. Qualified applicants are encouraged to contact their local Community Action outreach office for specific applications instructions.

All applicants will be required to supply the following documentation at time of application:

  • Proof of Social Security Number or Permanent Residence card (Green Card) for each member of the household.
  • Proof of all household’s (all members) income from the preceding month.
  • Most current electric bill, statement from your landlord if electric is included in your rent, statement from utility company if you participate in a Pre-Pay Electric Program.
  • The account number and name on the account for main heating fuel sources and electric bill.

Community Action Kentucky administers LIHEAP in partnership with the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services who receive the funding as a pass-through block grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. More information about LIHEAP and a listing of LIHEAP outreach offices can be found at the Community Action Kentucky website at


About Community Action Kentucky
Community Action Kentucky is the statewide association representing and assisting the 23 Community Action agencies across Kentucky that work to empower individuals and families to attain greater economic stability
and long-term success. With a presence in all 120 Kentucky counties, Community Action agencies provide life changing resources and programs to support a wide array of service areas, including food security, transportation,
home energy, early childhood education, senior support, emergency services, housing assistance, workforce development, youth enrichment and more. As a statewide voice for local agencies, Community Action Kentucky works to address policy issues that impact low-income individuals and cultivates broad-reaching partnerships that improve the lives of thousands of Kentuckians, making it possible for them to achieve their goals. For more information about Community Action Kentucky, visit

Community Action Agencies accepting applications for LIHEAP Crisis and LIHWAP Programs.

FRANKFORT, Ky. (January 14, 2022): Community Action Agencies across Kentucky are accepting applications for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Crisis Component and the new Low Income Home Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP). Applications will be accepted first come, first serve during designated enrollment periods or until funds have been expended.

LIHEAP and LIHWAP can assist households, up to and including 150 percent of the federal poverty guidelines, who meet the program eligibility requirements. Benefits are paid directly to the household’s vendor. Individuals should apply through their local Community Action Agency office. To locate your local office, please call 800-456-3452.

The LIHEAP Crisis component is available through March 31, 2022, to assist households who demonstrate a home energy crisis situation. Crisis benefits will cover the minimum needed to alleviate the crisis not to exceed $600. Households can reapply each time they experience a crisis situation until they reached their maximum benefit.

LIHWAP, an emergency assistance program authorized by ARPA, which provides water and wastewater assistance through various components through September 30, 2023, or until funding is exhausted. Applications for the Subsidy and Crisis Components will be accepted through June 1, 2022.

LIHWAP Subsidy: Households can receive a one-time water service benefit ranging from $50 to $400 depending on income level, housing category, and water service benefit type.

LIHWAP Crisis: Households experiencing a water and/or wastewater crisis can receive assistance for the minimum to alleviate the crisis not to exceed $800. Households can reapply each time they experience a crisis until they have reached their maximum benefits.

Eligible households can apply for one or both components and participation in prior LIHEAP programs will not affect a household’s eligibility. Households must meet eligibility requirements, including income guidelines.
For everyone’s safety, Community Action Agencies may provide special accommodations, adjust locations and times, and may ask that applicants follow safety protocols. Because these may change and vary between counties, applicants are encouraged to contact their local Community Action office for more information.

Community Action Kentucky administers LIHEAP and LIHWAP in partnership with the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services who receive the funding as a pass-through block grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. More information about LIWHAP and LIHEAP, including contact information for all local Community Action agencies and fact sheets can be found at the Community Action Kentucky website at


About Community Action Kentucky
Community Action Kentucky is the statewide association representing and assisting the 23 Community Action agencies across Kentucky that work to empower individuals and families to attain greater economic stability
and long-term success. With a presence in all 120 Kentucky counties, Community Action agencies provide life changing resources and programs to support a wide array of service areas, including food security, transportation,
home energy, early childhood education, senior support, emergency services, housing assistance, workforce development, youth enrichment and more. As a statewide voice for local agencies, Community Action Kentucky works to address policy issues that impact low-income individuals and cultivates broad-reaching partnerships that improve the lives of thousands of Kentuckians, making it possible for them to achieve their goals. For more information about Community Action Kentucky, visit

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Subsidy Applications accepted at Community Action Agencies through December 10th

FRANKFORT, Ky. (November 3, 2021): Kentucky Community Action Agencies are accepting applications for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Subsidy Component through December 10, 2021. Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis through December 10, 2021, or until designated funds are depleted. Assistance received during prior LIHEAP Components does not impact a household’s eligibility.

Designed to assist qualified households with offsetting their home energy cost, the Subsidy Component benefits are awarded based on a household’s income level and heating fuel type. Income eligibility requirements are up to 150 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Benefits are paid directly to the primary fuel vendor.

Kentucky’s Community Action Network collectively operates outreach offices in all 120 Kentucky counties. Qualified applicants are encouraged to contact their local Community Action outreach office for specific applications instructions.

All applicants will be required to supply the following documentation at the time of application:

  • Proof of Social Security Number or Permanent Residence card (Green Card) for each member of the household.
  • Proof of all household’s (all members) income from the preceding month.
  • Most current heating bill, statement from your landlord if heating expenses are included in your rent, statement from utility company if you participate in a Pre-Pay Electric Program.
  • The account number and name on the account for main heating fuel sources and electric bill

Applicants may be eligible for assistance through other utility programs, including the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEA). To find out more about the HEA program, including participating utility providers and eligibility requirements, visit An approved LIHEAP Application is not a guarantee that a household is eligible and/or will receive benefits through HEA.

Community Action Kentucky administers LIHEAP in partnership with the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services who receive the funding as a pass-through block grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. More information about LIHEAP and a listing of LIHEAP outreach offices can be found at the Community Action Kentucky website at


About Community Action Kentucky

Community Action Kentucky is the statewide association representing and assisting all 23 Community Action agencies across Kentucky that work to empower individuals and families to attain greater economic stability and improved health outcomes. With a presence in all 120 Kentucky counties, Community Action agencies provide life-changing resources and programs to support a wide array of  service areas, including food security, transportation, home energy, early childhood education, senior support, emergency services, housing assistance, workforce development, youth enrichment and more. As a statewide voice for local agencies, Community Action Kentucky works to address policy issues that impact low-income individuals and cultivates broad-reaching partnerships that improve the lives of thousands of Kentuckians, making it possible for them to achieve their goals. For more information about Community Action Kentucky, visit