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For Immediate Release
Katlyn Miller, CAK

Applications for Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Subsidy Component Accepted Beginning November 2

Heating assistance program offers one-time payment assistance to income-qualified residents in all 120 Kentucky counties

FRANKFORT, Ky. (OCTOBER 30, 2020): Community Action Agencies across Kentucky will begin accepting applications for the Subsidy Component of the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) November 2, 2020. Applications will be accepted through December 11, 2020 or until funds are depleted. To apply, qualified residents should contact their local outreach office operated by one of the 23 Community Action Agencies located across the state.

The Subsidy Component is designed to help low-income Kentuckians offset home heating costs based on a household’s income and primary fuel type. Benefits are paid directly to the primary fuel vendor in the form of a voucher. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, income eligibility has been increased to 150 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.

“As we head into winter the LIHEAP program will provide much needed security for thousands of Kentucky households. This year it will be even more important for those that are affected by the COVID pandemic.” Roger McCann, executive director of Community Action Kentucky.

For everyone’s safety, Community Action Agencies may provide special accommodations, adjust locations and times, and may ask that LIHEAP applicants follow safety protocols. Because these may change and vary between counties, applicants are encouraged to contact their local Community Action office for more information. 

All applicants will be required to supply the following documentation at time of application:

  • Proof of Social Security Number or Permanent Residence card (Green Card) for each member of the household.
  • Proof of all household’s (all members) income from the  prior month.
  • Most current heating bill, statement from your landlord if heating expenses are included in your rent, or a statement from utility company if you participate in a Pre-Pay Electric Program.
  • The account number and name on the account for main heating fuel sources and electric bill.

Community Action Kentucky administers LIHEAP in partnership with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as a pass-through block grant from the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services. More information about LIHEAP, including contact information for all local Community Action agencies can be found at the Community Action Kentucky website at


 About Community Action Kentucky

Community Action Kentucky is the statewide association representing and assisting the 23 Community Action agencies across Kentucky that work to empower individuals and families to attain greater economic stability and long-term success. With a presence in all 120 Kentucky counties, Community Action agencies provide life-changing resources and programs to support a wide array of service areas, including food security, transportation, home energy, early childhood education, senior support, emergency services, housing assistance, workforce development, youth enrichment and more. As a statewide voice for local agencies, Community Action Kentucky works to address policy issues that impact low-income individuals and cultivates broad-reaching partnerships that improve the lives of thousands of Kentuckians, making it possible for them to achieve their goals. For more information about Community Action Kentucky, visit